BBOA at 2017 Boston Dragon Boat Festival
Updated: Dec 10, 2018
The 2017 Dragon Boat Festival by the Charles River is not only a dragon boat race, but also a platform for Asian art and culture. This year, BBOA presents a fantastic collection of traditional Beijing opera classics. The team included not only full-costumed performers, but also a full traditional Beijing Opera orchestra and team of percussionists. The 30 minute performance was repeated twice and was very well received by the audiences.
一年一度查爾斯河畔隆重喜慶的龍舟節吸引著來自世界各地各民族的人群。 今年的龍舟節,在查爾斯河畔有一道亮麗的風景 -- 波士頓京劇協會為觀眾們帶來一場別開生面的京劇表演。 這次表演不但有文場武場精彩的樂隊,還有精選的京劇經典曲目:大唐貴妃,鎖麟囊,紅娘,鍘美案選段,更有精彩的單刀對舞,圓場演示,和與觀眾的熱烈互動。 在酷暑中,波士頓京劇協會的成員們為觀眾獻上一台文化盛宴。 很多觀眾主動與演員合影,並讚揚BBOA傳播傳統文化,弘揚京劇藝術。