BBOA July 4th RI Fishing Trip
Updated: Dec 10, 2018
BBOA members gather in Rhode Island for a July 4th outing. Fishing, picnic, sightseeing are only part of the activities. They also brought their instruments and amazing singing to add a traditional cultural element to Rhode Island's beach on Independence Day.
波士頓京劇協會在美國國慶日為羅德島海灘增加一道中國傳統文化的亮麗風景。 劇協成員聚集在風和日麗的海灘,釣魚,郊遊,野餐,練唱,排演京劇。 並有新鮮釣來的海魚在現場烹飪,美食美景,熱鬧非凡,餘音繞樑。