BBOA Performs at Happy Elders
Updated: Dec 10, 2018
On the day after Christmas, BBOA brings traditional Beijing Opera to the Happy Elders group at GBCCA. The performance included classical Beijing Opera pieces by BBOA members, as well as <Water Carrier> and <Jade Bangle> from professional performers Xiaoling Li and Tianfeng Gu. BBOA enjoyed a nice meal and social time with Happy Elders after the performance.
在聖誕季節,波士頓京劇協會為GBCCA喜齡會帶來一場別開生面的京劇演出。 演出節目包括經典曲目清唱,以及專業演員李曉玲和谷天鳳演出的《賣水》和《拾玉鐲》選段。 演出後,全體演員和樂隊與喜齡會共同進餐聯歡,慶祝聖誕。
