BBOA Pre Performance Gathering
Updated: Dec 10, 2018
On Aug 12th, 2017, BBOA hosted a joyful gathering at BBOA president Weishan Liu's house to entertain friends of BBOA. This gathering featured not only a banquet of delicious food prepared by Weishan and her husband, but also Beijing Opera impromptu performances, full band performances and Yang Qin performances. BBOA expressed sincere thanks to all who has been supporting us throughout our 10 years of Beijing opera journey and wished to continue to promote traditional culture in the Boston area. Hope to see you all at our 10 year anniversary gala performance on Oct, 1st.
2017年8月12日,波士頓京劇協會的成員們在會長的帶領和安排下,與波士頓的各界朋友歡聚一堂。這次聚會不但有會長夫婦精心準備的各類美食,而且有現場京劇清唱,樂隊演奏以及來賓的揚琴演奏。 波士頓京劇協會全體成員感謝多年來長期支持我們弘揚民族文化,傳播京劇藝術的各界人士。希望在十月一日我們十年大慶專場演出的時候見到各位朋友,為大家奉上一台精彩的京劇表演。