BBOA Wows the Audience at Lexington Library Event
On November 2nd, 2019, BBOA wowed the audience at the cultural event sponsored by CAAL in Lexington. With a life orchestra, magnificent make up and costuming, and professionally tuned performances, BBOA showcased the beauty of Beijing Opera to an ethnically diverse crowd.
Professional Beijing Opera performers Xiaoling Li and Sherry Gu performed excerpts from classic Beijing Operas in full costume. Other members of BBOA also presented gems of various Beijing Opera pieces in a chorus. The event was enthusiastically reported by local news.
勒星頓鎮Cary圖書館2日晚的關閉時間一反往常地燈火通亮、人聲鼎沸;萊克星頓華人協會(CAAL)和圖書館合辦的 「圖書館之夜」(Library After Dark)活動吸引近300名各族人士,聆賞京劇、中國茶藝、書畫之美,享受傳統點心美食,並動手參與,在互動中感受和體驗,進一步了解根據自然變化規律形成24節氣如何引領和影響華人生活。
波士頓京劇協會以精彩的表演和唱腔,艷麗的彩妝,陣容整齊的樂隊,為各族裔觀眾展示了京劇之美。 其中,專業演員李曉玲的水袖舞,來自中央戲劇學院的谷天鳳的賣水片段,更是讓中外觀眾嘆為觀止。